Wednesday 22 October 2014

Analyzer: Leave Pistorius Alone!

Kill him!!! Kill him...they are screaming deep in their heart. You wouldn't say this if he was your
brother, your best friend, your cousin or more, your father. Infact, what if he once saved you from a bloody gang of rapists, who would have destroyed your good life, I am sure you wouldn't be against him.

In as much as I do not condole the act of unnecessary use of a firm arm in the home, talkless of discharging it and hurting your loved one, I refuse to believe that this incident was intentional. I choose to believe the good in Pistorius. It was an accident. Hmmm....was it?

Sometimes, I have thought in my heart, what if it was not? *sigh* I refuse to be the judge of that. Judge Masipa has already done her job, even though Mr. "Perfect" thinks other wise.

I patiently ..... for Mr. Perfect!

Reeva is gone, but her lovely personality stays with us. If we kill Pistorius, that would not bring her back. Period! Why interfere with the course of justice with notorious comments. Pistorius' was a bloody mistake. Blunder! Error!! Sacrilage! Abomination!!!

Nevertheless, let the law decide. Agree with the decision and move on.

However, If you think 5 years is too small, we will patiently wait until the day you mistakenly knock down a passenger and see how you would love and enjoy the cynical criticism of others. I promise you, not me, but they will root for your head!!! The fruit of your labor will definitely yield a big harvest.

A man was once mishandled for a criminal because one this terrible day, he was wearing the exact shirt that the real criminal was wearing and a similar color of jean. The angry mob chasing after the criminal saw this man, grab him, and burnt him alive. "eye opened?*

It is my sincere caution to all those who have a mouth that keeps running on this matter. Be careful!!!
What if he was your son!!!

God forbid abi? To my international audience, I'm sure you'll read meaning into some of the local constructions.

I apologize if I sound too hash, it is due to the fire of Jesus' compassion on the cross.

Finally,  "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"--James 1:19--New International Version

Lets all learn a lesson from this; don't use a fire arm at home.
Thank you for your time.

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