About Us

Gists and Fotos is an online magazine that presents goodnews to the world. In a world where bad news make headline faster, Gist and Fotos seeks to change the status quo. More like a break from the norm.

Our style of news reporting, arguements, gossips, entertainment and all that we feature is all for one purpose: "To daily inspire all our readers, showing and reminding them that the good side of life still exist."

Bad news may be all around the internet, but when you are weary of the evil, always remember, there is a place you can run to for the good.

We'll inspire you to live your best.

Happy Reading!

Our Areas of Concentration

  • Health 
  • Movies 
  • Fashion/Style
  • Traffic News
  • Sports Gist
  • Enterpreneurs 
  • Gospel Music
  • Live Events
  • Motivational
  • E-Commerce
  • Entertainment
  • Mobile & Technology
  • Awareness
  • Wild life
  • Language
  • News
  • Freelance

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