Friday 31 October 2014

Movie Reviews: Forevermore (By Debs Olatoju)

FOREVERMORE (A Karla Faye Tucker Biography)

Starring:Karen Jezek, Kenneth Jezek, Ann Ault....
Genre; Christian Drama/Biography
Running time:2hours
Released Date: 2004
Director:Helen Gibson

Based on a true story that moved the world to compassion, and turned the hearts of many against capital punishment (Death Row). An emotional journey that sees a former prostitute, drug-crazy addict and convicted pickax killer from the abbys of judgement to the welcoming arms of Jesus  & triumph on a Texas death row!!!

It all started on a Saturday evening at home, Hubs and I, bored stiff from all the boring movies on a cable...flicking around channels, he called and said: "Debs you need to watch this" and that was all it took; and for almost 2 hrs I wept out my eyes.

First, because I couldn't thank Jesus enough for his grace and secondly, this one struck a personal chord in me. A true story of how God could turn around the vilest human into an instrument for the gospel even on death row, how God's love and grace is the most powerful force any human could encounter and never remain the same...I should know, as I'm a first hand receiver of such super-abounding grace.

As I write this review, one of the tracks I downloaded from the movie plays into my ears and tears still wells up in my eyes from the memos of this film, I'm an avid watcher of movies and if I'm asked one of the most outstanding ever seen in my lifetime; this would be it!!

Everyday, I fall in love with Jesus afresh, and why won't I...if you knew Jesus, you'd be insanely in love with him as well...My life in its entirety holds nothing without christ in it and this film accurately depicts  that picture.

Please!!! go watch this film and feel God's grace and love hit you afresh and lay to complete rest any condemnation you might have and if you haven't called Jesus in yet, a simple "Lord Jesus I believe you died for my sins and rose for my justification and I confess with my mouth; Come be the lord of my life" would suffice.

One day as God lives I'm going to air this movie for an evangelistic crusade..whoops!!! It's a review not a sunday sermon, its just hard to stay on track when this much emotions of love fills your heart.

Catch up with me next week for more major movie reviews.
P.S; Track song "thank you" by Ray Boltz...worth hearing!!!

"For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our FAITH!" 1JOHN 5:4

Karla Faye Tucker (November 18, 1959 – February 3, 1998) was the first woman to be executed in the United States since 1984, and the first in Texas since 1863. She was convicted of murder in Texas in 1984 and put to death fourteen years later. Because of her gender and widely publicized conversion to Christianity, Read More

1 comment:

  1. Way to Go sis! wonderful review .am already inspired.Good work ur blog

