Sunday, 19 October 2014

Tips: Steps to having a great week.

1. Focus on Goals
Sunday night or early Monday morning is the time to focus.

Who Am I?:  for example, are you a mother, sister, wife, employee, and fellowship leader.

Identify Goals: next think of 2 or 3 important things you would like to accomplish in each of these roles in the course of week. For example, as a mother I need to visit my son's teacher this week and see how he is doing in school.

Scheduling: this basically involves taking the above goals, and scheduling time to do them.

2. Get the Most Out of Every Day
Enjoy the best life every day. Dress well, eat well, chest out, walk tall, speak phonetics, Laugh well, Be polite, Be Happy with who you are.

3. Dare to be Different
Are you skinny and want to gain weight? Or plumpy and want to shed some fat? Everybody might be lazing around, but not you.  Get that thing done, and you will be sure you have accomplished something this week.

4. Build Your Relationships
Happiness is highly dependant on the quality of our relationships with God and people. So be committed to nurturing these relationships. Here are some quick ideas on how:

Do personal daily devotion: Reading your bible, a simplified devotional and praying the right way daily, can make your life go so smoothly. Psalm 23:1 is not just a memory verse. It can be a real experience. Is the Lord your shepherd? Give Him "Priority Daily". You can start now by reading Today's Rhapsody on this site. Just scroll up and click to read.

Make some calls: speak to your friends and family.

Meet a friend for lunch: Where are those "longtime no see friends" catch up on every good thing you have to hear and see.

Ping: Create the time to send a friend or family member a quick email or text message, even if you are extremely busy this week, it shows you are thinking about them.

Remember birthdays: make a point to remember important dates, such as birthdays. I suggest taking time out one day to mark your diary with these important dates.

5. Stretch Yourself
People who are very busy with work don't like to go for ceremonies. Don't forget, work is always there, but your friend's wedding is for 3 hours and it will be gone for life. Stretch yourself by trying something new this week. Start planning to attend that wedding, naming ceremony e.t.c At least plan to show face.

6. Be Disciplined
Starting the week by setting goals is a bit like making new years eve resolutions: they are easy to make, but as time progresses it can be hard to capture the same motivation that was present when you first made them.
If you struggle with self-control, I suggest keeping the following quote in mind:

"I refuse to crawl in life, I am flying! I can achieve my goals and I am therefore making the right decisons now, Yes I am!" No good decision is hard for me to make, I can do the right things for my life, Yes I can!"

7. Make a Difference
This week commit to making a positive difference in your world. The following small actions can make a big difference in the life of another person and/ or the world:
Cook or buy lunch for a hungry neighbour
Look for and give to a good cause
Walk around, meditate and observe nature for 15mins daily
Volunteer your time for a good cause
Put a smile on a child’s face

8. Pray without ceasing
 There are things that won't happen in your life except to discipline yourself to pray by yourself. Don't look for a prayer contractor. DIY. Yookos is a great place for everyone to learn how to pray.
And for what it's worth, you don't just pray for yourself; You Pray and Make a change for the World too!!!

Yookos Prayer holds for 15 minutes every 12noon and 10pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
You can check for the Prayer Post daily on this Page.

Always Remember, You are a light to your world!

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