Wednesday 15 October 2014

Traffic Gist: No Honking! - Horn Free Day?

Transportation in Lagos State is a major catalyst for growth. For Lagos to attain its ambition of becoming a global destination of choice, the battle over noise must begin now. In a move to make life better for the residents of Lagos Mega City and in a bid to gradually reduce the air pollution through noise, Gov. Babatunde Raji Fasola declared today Wednesday, October 15 as ‘Lagos Horn Free Day.’

Sources of noise in Lagos ranges from noise from cars (vehicles with loud sound systems), motorcycles, heavy duty trucks engine, bad car engines, generators, car alarms, parties, trains, shouting conductors and majorly car horns. Public transport vehicles popularly called Danfo are the most notorious with the application of their horns. They don't honk for necessity, they do it for pleasure. The Danfo Driver's horn has become some kind of fuji musical instrument for accompaniment of his car stereo music.

"In Lagos? Horn free. Hehe...(laughs) why won't they horn? I think the Danfo drivers are not really bothered about honking today, for all eyes will be on them by the road traffic officials. It is the private vehicles owners that will have issues because the Danfos break every driving rule in the book, especially in places where bad roads still exist and population is high. They stop right in the middle of the road to carry passengers", said a BRT passenger.

Several sources confirmed today that Oshodi, and some places on the island did not experience any calm, as the honking was just the same it has always been. Gists & Fotos however gathered that the honking only reduced in places with heavy LASMA presence. "I think this is a good initiative, though it has yeilded a minimal result today. One day will not be enough to cure such behaviour. "Thank you Gov. Fasola, with more of this kind of effort, noise pollution will soon reduce, like the bad roads have", Femi from Abule Egba told Gist & Fotos.

Below is the code of conduct as stated in the rule book of a state in America concerning honking: 

"A motor vehicle, including a motorcycle or moped, when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet but a horn or other warning device shall not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his horn but shall not otherwise use the horn when upon a highway."

Some public transporters and Okada riders as they are popularly known, are perpetual "Honkers". They have have a special identity, which is to replace the original horn of their vehicle with another which often is of a higher specification than their vehicle. Just imagine a motorcycle using the horn of a truck. This happens in Lagos and it must be stop. 

In the above code of conduct keep in mind the phrase “when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation,” which means the only legal use of a horn is for a purpose related to safety. Honking at another driver after they have cut you off, for example, is illegal, but using your horn to warn another driver who appears to be drifting into your lane is fine.

Hello Lagos! Give your horn a break...more of "no honking!"

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